Allergies & Anaphylaxis: An Overview of Recent Developments

This comprehensive course is designed to equip healthcare professionals with essential knowledge and skills in addressing allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. Covering topics such as definition, diagnostic criteria, and clinical manifestations, the course provides insights into intervention strategies and treatment protocols for both home and acute care settings. Participants will also explore recent advancements in allergy prevention and therapeutic approaches. Through interactive discussions and practical scenarios, learners will gain a deeper understanding of emergency management and recognition, ensuring prompt action for improved patient outcomes. This course empowers healthcare professionals to effectively identify, manage, and prevent allergic emergencies in diverse healthcare settings.


Dr. Anagnostou is a distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, specializing in pediatric allergy and immunology. Dr. Anagnostou has made significant contributions to the field of food allergy and anaphylaxis. She established pioneering programs such as the Food Allergy Prevention Clinic and the Food Immunotherapy Program, the first of its kind in a US academic center. Her dedication extends beyond clinical care into research and community outreach, where she has led numerous research projects and educational initiatives. Her efforts have earned her multiple honors, including the Woman in Allergy Award by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology in 2023.